Graduation was 1 month ago. We are still cleaning up from it. Pardon this tardy post. I thought I would be less busy during the summer. Ha.
Sunday, May 19th 2013, was officially the end of my time as a high schooler. I walked across the stage and the president of the school board handed me my diploma and that was it. Then we threw our hats in the air and some kids went to town with a few cans of silly string.
Now, don't misunderstand me during this next section. Graduation was a great experience. But some people make it out like it will be the greatest experience of you time in high school. And that is completely false.
To explain this, I'm going to use what my mother and her friends call a "Bethism". I am going to compare my high school experience to my favorite high school cafeteria meal...the chicken wrap. Now, the graduation ceremony is sort of like the tortilla. The tortilla surrounds the outside, so it's what you think of when you envision a chicken wrap. As your growing up when you think of high school, you think of graduation. I think that's because it's pretty much the only thing that you can anticipate. That and prom. (Prom is the lettuce. It's mostly fluff, but it's kind of nice to have in there).
Classes are the chicken. That's is where the bulk of your time is going to be spent. That's also where the bulk of your memories are going to be made. The chicken is the tastiest part, but it's also where most of the calories come from. Classes are fun and it's great to spend time with your friends, but some of them are a LOT of hard work.
Extracurriculars are the cheese. Sometimes, with the chicken wrap, the cheese kind of falls out the bottom. Extracurricilars are a lot of time and hard work, and sometimes they slip away from you a little bit (once I forgot about a practice for the musical. I felt to bad, I went home and cried for 20 minutes.) But they are absolutely worth every ounce of effort.
Last, there's the ranch. The ranch is something a little different for everybody. For me, the ranch was playing board games every Saturday with my classmates. It was decorating the hallway for the Wizard of Oz and watching everybody light up when they saw it. It was a party-bus ride where we all lost of voice from singing an
epic rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody. That's my ranch. That's my chicken wrap. And those things were a lot more meaningful and lasting to me than a 55 minute ceremony where I just smiled, and walked in heels, and sat up straight. But it was nice to have that tortilla to wrap it all up.
Other Fun Facts:
We had Class Night, and I sang a song with my friend Jessica. And I cried through half of it. I thought it was really embarrassing, but a lot of people have told me how "touching" they thought it was so I guess I'm ok.
Also during class night, I was exhausted from getting ready for my party and being at my party. I fell asleep during the scholarship portion. And then I received a scholarship while I was konked out, so my friends had to wake me up and I drowsily went up retrieve it. Whoops!
I am currently in the midst of writing 140-some thanks you notes for all of the wonderful gifts I received during my graduation party.
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