
It's All About Me...

Most blogs have an "about me" page. With a picture. Here's my picture.

Here's me on a ferris wheel in Seattle. Thumbs up!

My name's Beth.
I'm a recent graduate of the Class of 2013. I live in a podunk town in Iowa. And I love to cook.

So there you go.

Oh, you want more?

Ok, well, I have two sisters and a brother. One of the sisters is my twin. They are all fantastic people. 
I truly love my whole family. 
Especially my parents, who buy my groceries.

I am going to the University of Iowa in the fall of 2013. I will be majoring in music education and I'm very excited!

I have stated before that I love musicals more than water. Which is true on rainy days.
I play 5 instruments and sing non-stop.

I have the best group of friends. Our idea of "partying" is having a board game night or a "Harry Potter" movie marathon. And our idea of "getting crazy" is singing jazz choir songs at Culver's or doing the "Gangnam Style" dance when we're at the bowling alley.

I hope this has helped you figure out what kind of a person I am.
Happy Blogging!

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