Saturday, July 28, 2012


Hello Internet!
It's been a bit since I've posted, and I have yet to post anything food related! Here's why...

Last week I went to an AMAZING camp at the Des Moines Civic Center called the STAGEright Broadway Experience. I love musical theater (that is a serious understatement), so I'm sure that when I go to heaven, it will basically be a version of this camp. The only bummer is that I missed the first day (I was ill) :(
Anywho, I went and worked with three spetacular instructors who have worked in some of my favorite musicals. I learned so much! And (time for a little shameless bragging) out of about thirty kids, 8 got to sing a featured solo at Friday's Showcase, and guess who was one of the eight! I sang a beautiful song called "So Anyway" from Next to Normal (look up the show; it will blow you away)
Here we are at music rehersal on the main stage
at the Civic Center!
(I'm the dork in the red shirt)

Other than that, it's just been babysitting, music lessons, all that jazz.

Oh, and I ordered a camera. It should be delivered this week.

P.S. PRAY FOR RAIN! We need it so badly around here

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