Sunday, January 13, 2013


I am behind.

It is almost next Monday, and I haven't even posted a Manic Monday post for this week.
I haven't posted a recipe for two weeks.

The low down is, life gets crazy. And then, it gets crazier.

My New Year's resolution is to be healthier. Work out more, eat less junk, that type of thing.
Which quickly became ironic, because a week into the New Year, I got strep throat.
Strep throat would be at the top of my list of Worst Diseases. Why? I can't sing. Not even in the shower. But I'm better now! So my resolution is (sort of) back on track.

We started a new semester in school and my classes are overall more difficult than last semester. However, I have taken much more difficult class loads in the past, so it shouldn't be too trepidatious.

I am in a play!!!! We're not having a spring play at my high school, so when our community theater asked if I would be in their dinner theater production this March, I jumped all over the chance.

Still no decisions on college. No decisions on a major either. I'm getting there, but it's getting close.

I'll be back tomorrow with a mind-blowing Manic Monday post. In the mean time, Happy Sunday! Kick back, relax, get your homework done, and eat popcorn for dinner. That's what I'll be doing!

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